Urban Design Seminar

Chair for Urban Design and Urban Development, TU Berlin

Participatory Blue Green Infrastructure

Cities and towns all over the world are influenced considerably by infrastructural changes.  Centralized infrastructural systems and globalized food-production and food-consumption processes are cultural driven processes and they are shaping our cities. The seminar aims to discuss contemporary urban trends like the re-use of daily resources and urban food production to ask for challenges, options and visions about a post-speculative city and a human scale in urban design.

The design seminar will have a closer look at different aspects of a participatory, blue green infrastructure – its past and present, its sites, spaces, forms and actors as well as the use, reuse and transformation of cities through infrastructure and food-production. Urban design case studies are selected sites in Berlin. Subtopics will be e.g.

  • Materiality I : Integrative Water Structure and the City
  • Materiality II: Food Production and the City
  • Spaces and Sites: Typologies of Action, Envisioning the streets, Daily practices
  • Communication strategies: Stakeholder education
  • Empowerment: Participation strategies

Assignments are site designs in combination with education and participation strategies.

Lecturer: Angela Uttke, Grit Bürgow, Anja Steglich, Caitlin Berrigan

October 2013 – February 2014, weekly

Collage: Felix Bentlin