Circular Berlin – OSCE Days!

Friday, June, 15th 3-4.30 p.m.
@EUREF-Campus 1-25, 10829 Berlin

ROOF WATER-FARM at the Panel Discussion “Circular Berlin” during the OSCE DAYS tracking the question
“What do we need to make Berlin Circular?”.


  1. BSR Recycling – Frider Soeling, (Energie, Umwelt, Innovationen Berliner Stadtreinigung )
  2. Partner und Partner Architekten – Jörg Finkbeiner (Architekt, Cradle to Cradle-Consultant)
  3. Roof Water Farm –  Grit Bürgow (Projektkoordinatorin & Dozentin, TU Berlin, zum Thema Roof Water Farming)
  4. Baufachfrau-Berlin – Christine Sauer (Geschäftsführerin BAUFACHFRAU Berlin e.V.)
  5. Sprecher der LAG Wirtschaft und Finanzen Grüne Berlin – Wolfgang Remmers


Dina Padalkina, project leader & founder of “Circular Berlin”…/6629


Our e-learning (MOOC) goes into the second round!

WHEN? 28.11.2017 – 19.12.2017

WHERE? Registration & participation here:

WHAT? How can a ROOF WATER FARM look on a building? Which foodstuffs can be produced, which management strategies are feasible? How does this change the daily life and how do these changes affect the neighborhood?

The online course presents the results of the research in short videos. It is free of charge and is open to all interested parties.


Many thanks to the online teaching team of the TU Berlin!


Zum Erntedankfest konnten wir unser Gewächshauses öffnen: “A glimpse from the future” schrieb uns ein Gast in unser Gästebuch.

Vielen Dank an unsere zahlreichen  Besucher/innen und das Team …

… und bis zum nächsten Mal 🙂

For our Harvest Festival we could open our greenhouse:

“A glimpse from the future” wrote someone of the guests into our visitors book.

Many thanks to our guests and the team.. see you soon 🙂



OPEN FARM // Erntedankfest

OPEN FARM // Einladung

Wir öffnen die ROOF WATER-FARM Pilotanlage für einen Nachmittag um gemeinsam mit Ihnen unsere Technologien und Produkte zu diskutieren.
Erleben Sie Technologien der Wasseraufbereitung, der Aqua- und Hydroponik, Gestaltungsstrategien und Produkte der gebäudeintegrierten Farmwirtschaft.
Zukunftsstadt ist, wenn Häuser und Quartiere Abwasser in hochwertiges Betriebswasser umwandeln, damit frische Nahrungsmittel produzieren und Lebensqualität vermitteln.

28.09. 2017, 15-18 Uhr
Bernburger Straße 22, 10963 Berlin

Anmeldung erwünscht!
via: a.steglich (at)

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
OPEN FARM // Invitation

We will open the ROOF WATER-FARM pilot site for an afternoon to discuss our technologies and products with you. We will show you technologies in waste water treatment, aquaponics and hydroponics, integrated design strategies and products in the field of building integrated farming.

Join us to the future of the city!

28.09. 2017, 3-6 pm
Bernburger Straße 22, 10963 Berlin

Please register via: a.steglich (at)

Change the date! ROOF WATER-FARM Harvest Festival on 28 September 2017

This year, our pilot plant opens its doors on 28 September 2017.
Come by, get to know our technologies and products and look back with us on an exciting season!

Save the date! Open day at the Bundeskanzleramt on 26th + 27th August 2017

This year we are part of the Bundeskanzleramts’s open day! Visit us on 26th and 27th August in the garden of the Federal Government Building and get to know ROOF WATER-FARM and many other exciting projects!

Save the date! ROOF WATER-FARM Harvest Festival on 14 September 2017

We will celebrate our harvest festival at the ROOF WATER-FARM pilot plant on 14 September 2017. Come by, get to know our products and technology and celebrate a successful season 2017 with us!

We look forward to seeing you!

International Garden Exhibition Berlin

Visit us at the International Garden Exhibition in Berlin!

Together with  the  Top Farmers we`ve created the exhibition `Productive City. Urban water for urban farming´.

You will find us here: IGA-Horizonte and the preview online.

See you there!


Graphics: M.Sc. UD Tim Nebert, Chair of Urban Design and Urban Development, Technische Universität Berlin

Season 2015 started!

The second roof water-farm test track could start the season. Ebbe/flow irrigation system with hydroponic vegetables nourished with liquid fertilizer from black water. First seasonal salad 2015 from the aquaponic test track is harvested and quality checked. Urban mining + farming!

strawberry celebration!

June 11th we want to invite you to enjoy the smell of  the strawberry with us!

We will open our test site in the yard of Bernburger Straße 22, 10963 Berlin-Kreuzberg. It will be possible to taste our research. Follow with us “the flow of the process water from the pipe through the greywater treatment passing the fish farm, the strawberry and salad fields …”.

We will inform you about our current research and opportunities for building-integrated water treatment systems to irrigate and fertilize roof-top greenhouses!

3 pm intro

4 pm – 6 pm visits process water building, visits greenhouse

6 pm  outro

all the best in the name of the  research team,

TU Berlin, Department Urban Design & Communication.

press release

Here you can download the press release (only available in german) for our  strawberry celebration June 11th 2014. For any further questions please contact the project coordination.

season started

Here are some actual impressions from our running pilot. We start with wels, carp, salad and strawberry as parts of our product lineup.


If you are interested in urban perspectives around water infrastructure, aquaponics and building integrated farming, contact us for a visit. We will inform you about our current research and opportunities for building-integrated water treatment systems to irrigate and fertilize roof-top greenhouses!


Architectural Case Study

How cooperate aquaponic process engineering and contemporary architectural design? How much technology and food can carry a roof? Which typical buildings can be used for ROOF WATER-FARMING? How building technologies and spaces do change with such an infrastructural transformation? Practical examples and   architectural design solutions we acquire with Thomas Freiwald, office for Architecture, Berlin.

Block 6 in Berlin-Kreuzberg


The integrated water concept at Block 6 in Berlin-Kreuzberg was originally developed as a project of the International Building Exhibition 1987 as well as a model project of the Experimental Housing and Urban Development (EXWOST) research programme. The model project was financed by Federal and State funds and is a cooperation between the Federal State of Berlin and the plant owner. Research of different ecological building concepts has since then been implemented: Since then domestic wastewater produced by the tenants of Block 6 is separated into the two flows: greywater and blackwater. The comparatively low-nutrient greywater from bathtubs, showers, wash basins and kitchens is separated via a second water supply pipe. It allows the decentralized water treatment and the reclaimed water use for purposes of irrigation and open space design as well as domestic demands.


To optimize the building-related water reuse by making it more viable, the water concept has been re-engineered. The aim of the Federal State of Berlin was, with the consent of the owner, to secure and optimize the plant as a ‘technical monument’. On the foundation of the former polishing pond of the constructed wetland located in the courtyard of Block 6 a water-processing house in eco-friendly timber construction has been built. Therein the greywater of ~ 250 tenants is treated mechanical-biologically towards bathing water quality and reused to flush toilets and irrigate tenant gardens.
Rainwater from 2.350m² of roof surface area and 650 m² of sealed open space is discharged in the original constructed wetland. The microclimate improves via the evaporation by the plants. After heavy rain events excess water can infiltrate time-delayed via an adjacent trough.[1]


In the courtyard of Block 6, we are installing the ROOF WATER-FARM demonstration and test site to further develop the separation and recycling of wastewater flows from the building. The technical components of research become visible and tangible in the water-processing house, with its wastewater treatment system and water-farm greenhouse. These systems include:

  • treating and converting greywater into reclaimed water (bathing water quality) including testing of its hygienic quality
  • analysing relevant micro-pollutants in the water (pharmaceuticals, e.g. diclofenac, ibuprofen, carbamazepine)
  • cultivating of vegetables and fish (hydroponics and aquaponics)
  • producing liquid fertilizer out of blackwater for hydroponic plant production.

The demonstration and test site delivers:

  • procedural, technical and stable data for the diffusion potential of the ROOF WATER-FARM technology for rooftop greenhouses throughout the city
  • data for sustainability assessments and
  • reference data to develop models for commercial and non-commercial operation and product marketing.

Construction started in mid-October and we look forward to welcoming you!