Newly published: Fact Sheets on the value of urban parks and gardens

Mehr über den Wert urbaner Gärten und Parks erfahren und dies in aktuelle Debatten der Stadtentwicklung einbringen? Auf der Website des laufenden Forschungsprojektes GartenLeistungen unter Leitung des IÖW – Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung Berlin gibt es erste Ergebnisse und Berechnungen zu Parks und Gärten in Berlin und Stuttgart kompakt zusammengefasst in ausgewählten Fact Sheets.

Circular Berlin – OSCE Days!

Friday, June, 15th 3-4.30 p.m.
@EUREF-Campus 1-25, 10829 Berlin

ROOF WATER-FARM at the Panel Discussion “Circular Berlin” during the OSCE DAYS tracking the question
“What do we need to make Berlin Circular?”.


  1. BSR Recycling – Frider Soeling, (Energie, Umwelt, Innovationen Berliner Stadtreinigung )
  2. Partner und Partner Architekten – Jörg Finkbeiner (Architekt, Cradle to Cradle-Consultant)
  3. Roof Water Farm –  Grit Bürgow (Projektkoordinatorin & Dozentin, TU Berlin, zum Thema Roof Water Farming)
  4. Baufachfrau-Berlin – Christine Sauer (Geschäftsführerin BAUFACHFRAU Berlin e.V.)
  5. Sprecher der LAG Wirtschaft und Finanzen Grüne Berlin – Wolfgang Remmers


Dina Padalkina, project leader & founder of “Circular Berlin”…/6629


Our e-learning (MOOC) goes into the second round!

WHEN? 28.11.2017 – 19.12.2017

WHERE? Registration & participation here:

WHAT? How can a ROOF WATER FARM look on a building? Which foodstuffs can be produced, which management strategies are feasible? How does this change the daily life and how do these changes affect the neighborhood?

The online course presents the results of the research in short videos. It is free of charge and is open to all interested parties.


Many thanks to the online teaching team of the TU Berlin!


Zum Erntedankfest konnten wir unser Gewächshauses öffnen: “A glimpse from the future” schrieb uns ein Gast in unser Gästebuch.

Vielen Dank an unsere zahlreichen  Besucher/innen und das Team …

… und bis zum nächsten Mal 🙂

For our Harvest Festival we could open our greenhouse:

“A glimpse from the future” wrote someone of the guests into our visitors book.

Many thanks to our guests and the team.. see you soon 🙂



OPEN FARM // Erntedankfest

OPEN FARM // Einladung

Wir öffnen die ROOF WATER-FARM Pilotanlage für einen Nachmittag um gemeinsam mit Ihnen unsere Technologien und Produkte zu diskutieren.
Erleben Sie Technologien der Wasseraufbereitung, der Aqua- und Hydroponik, Gestaltungsstrategien und Produkte der gebäudeintegrierten Farmwirtschaft.
Zukunftsstadt ist, wenn Häuser und Quartiere Abwasser in hochwertiges Betriebswasser umwandeln, damit frische Nahrungsmittel produzieren und Lebensqualität vermitteln.

28.09. 2017, 15-18 Uhr
Bernburger Straße 22, 10963 Berlin

Anmeldung erwünscht!
via: a.steglich (at)

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
OPEN FARM // Invitation

We will open the ROOF WATER-FARM pilot site for an afternoon to discuss our technologies and products with you. We will show you technologies in waste water treatment, aquaponics and hydroponics, integrated design strategies and products in the field of building integrated farming.

Join us to the future of the city!

28.09. 2017, 3-6 pm
Bernburger Straße 22, 10963 Berlin

Please register via: a.steglich (at)

Change the date! ROOF WATER-FARM Harvest Festival on 28 September 2017

This year, our pilot plant opens its doors on 28 September 2017.
Come by, get to know our technologies and products and look back with us on an exciting season!

Save the date! ROOF WATER-FARM Harvest Festival on 14 September 2017

We will celebrate our harvest festival at the ROOF WATER-FARM pilot plant on 14 September 2017. Come by, get to know our products and technology and celebrate a successful season 2017 with us!

We look forward to seeing you!

Contribution at German-Arab TV science magazin „SciTech“

The Roof-Water-Farm at the German-Arab TV science magazin „SciTech“  – here you can watch it on YouTube!

Wirtschaftswoche Green Economy

Thanks to Nicole Pollakowsky for her article about us!


Graphics: M.Sc. UD Tim Nebert, Chair of Urban Design and Urban Development, Technische Universität Berlin

Future Cities: Going Off the (Water) Grid

A recent article at ‘Discovery News’ linking our Roof Water-Farm approach and ‘off-the-water-grid infrastructure’ to current challenges facing global droughts. Thanks to Eric Niiler/USA online, who just visited us with the DAAD press tour ‘Research in Germany on the future city’.

Visions for Berlin

The science magazin rbb OZON unterwegs visited us and illustrated visions for Berlin at the TV June 15th. Thanks to the editors and enjoy the film!

press release

Another article about our work published by the german newspaper Berliner Kurier, June 1st.

in the reed belt of Kreuzberg …

Another report about or work published via rbb online/Jan Menzel. Thanks!

DAAD press Tour in Berlin

26.5.2015, Roof Water Farm, Research in Germany DAAD press Tour Berlin, (Copyright (c) DAAD /Marius Schwarz)

favorite movie

The Federal Ministry of Education and research  (BMBF) is funding different projects in the field of  Sustainable Water Management (NAWAM). At the fair Water Berlin International some projects were presented. We are one of the presented projects. Enjoy our favorite movie!


Des fermes hydroponiques et aquaponiques pour les toits des grandes villes!

Des fermes hydroponiques et aquaponiques pour les toits des grandes villes. Merci!

press release

An exciting article about the Fraunhofer inFarming concept and water-sensitive urban farming projects in New York, Berlin, Wien with ROOF WATER-FARM “on board”.
A thank-you to Claudia Elmer from the Kurier in Vienna.


RWF goes TV!

Today on the occasion of the official opening of the Year of Science “Future City”, the ARD public television channel showed our ROOF WATER-FARM test site in the news report. We say “Thanks” to Marie-Kristin Boese and her ARD Berlin-Studio film team.

New Publications

Bürgow, G. (2014): „Urban Aquaculture – Water-sensitive transformation of cityscapes via blue-green infrastructures.“ Dissertation 25.11.2013, Schriftenreihe der Reiner-Lemoine-Stiftung, Shaker Verlag, Herzogenrath, ISBN 978-3-8440-3262-8

Million, A.; Bürgow, G.; Steglich, A.; Raber, W. (2014): “ROOF WATER-FARM. Participatory and Multifunctional Infrastructures for Urban Neighborhoods.“ Fachbeitrag In: Roggema, R. and Keffe, G. (Eds.), Proceedings – 6th AESOP Food Planning Conference Leuuwarden, the Netherlands, 5-7 November: 659-678, ISBN 978-90-822451-2-7, pp. 659-678

You can download the article from our website (at the far right), more about the conference you will here:

Bürgow, G.; Million, A.; Steglich, A. (2014): ROOF WATER-FARM: Frisches Wasser und Frischer Fisch vom Dach bis zum Fluss. In: Stadt + Grün 7/2014, S. 35-38

Nolde, E. (2014): Das ROOF WATER-FARM-Projekt, Energie- und Stoffkreisläufe dezentral mittels Abwasserrecycling schließen. In: fbr-wasserspiegel 3/14, S.16-17, Zeitschrift der Fachvereinigung Betriebs- und Regenwassernutzung e.V. (fbr), Darmstadt.

Bürgow, G.; Kluge, Th.; Million, A.; Schramm, E.; Winker, M. (2014): „Das Memorandum Klimagerechte Stadt – Ein Aufruf an Politik, Wissenschaft und Akteure aus der Praxis“. Fachbeitrag In: Planerin 06/2014, S. 45-47.

Memorandum „Klimagerechte Stadt – Ihre Stimme für eine nachhaltige Stadt- und Infrastrukturplanung“: Ergebnis eines Fachgesprächs zum Thema „Transformation der Wasserinfrastruktur als Bestandteil einer integrierenden nachhaltigen Kommunalplanung – Wunschdenken oder realistisches Zukunftsbild?“ am 5. Juni 2014 im ISOE – Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung in Frankfurt am Main

Press release

2015 January 8th, the german newspaper “die tageszeitung” published an article about our current work. Thanks a lot to Ralf Hutter for writing the article!

The text is available in german as taz e-paper or you can download the article as pdf.file directly from this page.


Exhibition “Berlin baut Zukunft – Ökologische Gebäudekonzepte”


We`ve been invited to participate within the exhibition “Berlin baut Zukunft – Ökologische Gebäudekonzepte”.

Our special thanks goes to the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment Berlin for initiating and organizing this event.

The exhibition will run from October 5th – November 27th, at  Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment Berlin, Lichthof, Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin.

Stadt+Grün 7/2014

Volume 7/2014 of the  Journal  Stadt+Grün, main topic is Rivers in the City, contains an article written by us.

ROOF WATER-FARM: Fresh water and fresh fish up from the roof down to the river.

The article is available in german. You  can find more informations here:

some days with little wood

Save the Date! ROOF WATER FARM meets Little Wood: “On an empty lot on Invalidenstrasse, Little Wood, a temporary garden (…) has sprouted. Little Wood is a comprehensive experiment in the exploration and sensory experience of urban nature.”

We will present our vision and current research in collaboration with partners from research, art & design.

DATE  ? Friday, August 15th at 7 pm!

WHERE ? Little Wood! Invalidenstraße 5, 10115 Berlin-Mitte.

WHO ? The evening is announced as “Urban Food Production”. Here you can get more information about the event and the collaborators.

MORE ? Check the whole program of Little Wood here.

See you there!

The video documentation about the project is online:

Here you can find the short report about our participation within the event.


press commentaries strawberry celebration June 11th 2014

“Wie Fische und Erdbeeren auf Kreuzbergs Dächern gedeihen: Der Weg in die Zukunft führt über einen Kreuzberger Hinterhof. (…) Ein Kleinod zu Forschungszwecken. Hier wird erforscht, wie frische Lebensmittel in der Stadt produziert werden können und gleichzeitig Wasser als Ressource wiederverwendet werden kann.”

11.06.2014  Berliner Morgenpost

11.06.2014  Die Welt 

“Erdbeeren und Karpfen auf Kreuzberger Dächern: Frische Nahrungsmittel vom Dach – und das mitten in Berlin. «Roof Water Farm» heißt das Konzept. Erdbeeren und Salatköpfe könnten in Kreuzberg in Dach-Gewächshäusern gedeihen, die mit Regenwasser und aufbereitetem, leicht verschmutztem Abwasser (Grauwasser) bewässert werden.”

10.06.2014  Greenpeace-Magazin 

“Erdbeeren, Salat und Fische vom Hausdach: Erdbeeren und Salat sollen in der Stadt gedeihen, Karpfen und Welse direkt an Wohnhäusern gezüchtet werden. Das zumindest ist die Idee von Berliner Forschern. Sie wollen die Landwirtschaft in die Stadt holen. Das höre dich verwegen an, wird aber bereits erprobt: In Berlin-Kreuzberg gibt es eine entsprechende Versuchsanlage. Bei der gestrigen Vorstellung war Thomas Gith dabei.”


press release

Here you can download the press release (only available in german) for our  strawberry celebration June 11th 2014. For any further questions please contact the project coordination.

Architectural Case Study

How cooperate aquaponic process engineering and contemporary architectural design? How much technology and food can carry a roof? Which typical buildings can be used for ROOF WATER-FARMING? How building technologies and spaces do change with such an infrastructural transformation? Practical examples and   architectural design solutions we acquire with Thomas Freiwald, office for Architecture, Berlin.

results urban design seminar

The results of the Urban Design Seminar “Participatory Blue Green Infrastructure” are really inspiring! Thanks a lot to all the participants and guest critics for their contribution.

examples/ pictures:

“Q 216” by Ben Lebek & Sandra May

“A Containers Story” by Fabian Becker & Tim Nebert & Jürgen Höfler


Here you can download a short info about us!

Urban Design Seminar

Chair for Urban Design and Urban Development, TU Berlin

Participatory Blue Green Infrastructure

Cities and towns all over the world are influenced considerably by infrastructural changes.  Centralized infrastructural systems and globalized food-production and food-consumption processes are cultural driven processes and they are shaping our cities. The seminar aims to discuss contemporary urban trends like the re-use of daily resources and urban food production to ask for challenges, options and visions about a post-speculative city and a human scale in urban design.

The design seminar will have a closer look at different aspects of a participatory, blue green infrastructure – its past and present, its sites, spaces, forms and actors as well as the use, reuse and transformation of cities through infrastructure and food-production. Urban design case studies are selected sites in Berlin. Subtopics will be e.g.

  • Materiality I : Integrative Water Structure and the City
  • Materiality II: Food Production and the City
  • Spaces and Sites: Typologies of Action, Envisioning the streets, Daily practices
  • Communication strategies: Stakeholder education
  • Empowerment: Participation strategies

Assignments are site designs in combination with education and participation strategies.

Lecturer: Angela Uttke, Grit Bürgow, Anja Steglich, Caitlin Berrigan

October 2013 – February 2014, weekly

Collage: Felix Bentlin